Sound of XR
The relationship of visual and aural perspective with decentering in virtual reality


Several areas of application for virtual reality technologies have seen significant growth recently, including mindfulness practice. This paper investigates the relationship between the mindfulness-related construct of decentering, i.e., detaching oneself from automatic thinking and observing one's thoughts and emotions, and body representation within virtual reality. Using a within-subjects approach, we investigated whether a third-person perspective, both in terms of visual and aural representation, affects decentering in virtual reality. This was done using a virtual reality application that presented a guided body-scan meditation in virtual reality and utilised these different forms of perspective. Our results do not show a significant effect of either form of perspective on decentering in virtual reality.


Role: Supervisor

Type: Full Paper

Conference: Proceedings of the 4th African Human Computer Interaction Conference

Date: 2023

Co-Authors: Isak de Villiers Bosman, Mila Bujić, Laura Diana Cosio, Kristine Jørgensen and Juho Hamari

The effect of audio on the experience in virtual reality: a scoping review


The use of virtual reality (VR) has seen significant recent growth and presents opportunities for use in many domain areas. The use of head-mounted displays (HMDs) also presents unique opportunities for the implementation of audio feedback congruent with head and body movements, thus matching intuitive expectations. However, the use of audio in VR is still undervalued and there is a lack of consistency within audio-centedd research in VR. To address this shortcoming and present an overview of this area of research, we conducted a scoping review (n = 121) focusing on the use of audio in HMD-based VR and its effects on user/player experience. Results show a lack of standardisation for common measures such as pleasantness and emphasize the context-specific ability of audio to influence a variety of affective, cognitive, and motivational measures, but are mixed for presence and generally lacking for social experiences and descriptive research.


Role: Co-Author, Supervisor

Type: Full Paper

Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology

Stats: h5-index:55, impact factor: 3.7

Date: 2023

Co-Authors: Isak de Villiers Bosman, Kristine Jørgensen and Juho Hamari